VPureMix ® magnetic mixers are the first choice in processes with the highest standards of sterility and product safety.
Pharmaceutical & biotechnological applications: API production, vaccine production, reserve and media production, plasma fractionation, bio-reactors for bacteria and cell
cultures, process tanks in upstream and downstream areas, storage tanks and much more.
Food & beverage applications: dairy products, breweries, soft drink and fruit juice production and much more.
The mixing head design is the result of CFD analyses and impresses with its open design, which enables optimal product flow and makes cleaning processes simple. The mixing head is mounted on high-performance ceramic made of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) and silicon carbide (SSiC), which eliminates vibrations, and also ensures extremely low shear forces and smooth dry running. This means:
Homestead Office Park
Block D – 1st Floor
37 Homestead Road
Rivonia, 2128