This valve functions based on the interchangeable lower valve unit.
Vent and Exhaust Valve Function
The valve functions like a ball check valve. The control element is a mobile, low-density ball. As fluid increases, the ball is buoyed upward, presses against the upper valve seat, and
automatically closes the valve. When the fluid decreases, however, gases can still flow past the ball unimpeded, preventing a vacuum from forming and acting as a vent. This version is often used
in storage tanks. The vent and exhaust valve ensures that no fluid can escape when filling the container, the container can be filled completely and emptied without difficulty.
Exhaust Valve Function
Like a double-seat valve, a mobile ball forms the control element. When open, air is allowed to escape. As fluid increases, however, the ball is buoyed upward against the upper seal seat,
automatically closing the valve. As a vacuum forms, gravity causes the ball to drop into the lower seal seat, preventing the fluid column from dropping. This type of valve is typically used to
ventilate pipes and pump suction tubes, preventing the intake of air during start-up.
Homestead Office Park
Block D – 1st Floor
37 Homestead Road
Rivonia, 2128